Wednesday, June 27, 2012


On Sunday, the team went to a mass communion service in a town hall.  Congregations from all around came together for worship (there were probably about 200 people there).  The service was so refreshing and encouraging to me (I was feeling pretty lousy that day) and I was so needing to hear the sermon preached, and to be able to partake of the elements.  God really knew what I was needing that day.

Our mentor preached the sermon that night on the parable of the great banquet as found in Luke 14:12-24.  The sermon was great.  Two things stood out to me and convicted me.  

First, is the phrase "Be for the world." As Christians we're called to be in the world, but not of it.  Often-times we have this idea that if we're living differently in the world, then we're all good.  But the reality is, we should be fighting for the world.  Fighting for the truth of God to be the standard and for the world to believe in our Savior.  We aren't to be apathetic.  We are not to be unconcerned with the fate of the neighbor two doors down from us or for the young girl involved with sex-trafficking in Thailand.  We are called to care and to love.  I'm more convinced of that fact every single day.

The other point that was incredible to me was this:  God is unstoppable in chasing/coming after people. He wants us to be in His fold so badly that He throws His own Song out and allows Him to die so that we can enter in to His fold.  God chases after people.  He wants to love more and more people.  That is incredibly profound, and deserving of an immense amount of thought.  

Our God wants us.  

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