Friday, June 15, 2012

Dance Wherever You May Be

I've been fighting for joy the last several days.  For whatever reason, I was struggling.  I was struggling with team members, circumstances, and life in general.  I've been burying myself in the word, and praying constantly.  Asking God to lift this vail from all around me, really just asking God to return my joy to me.  

Nothing happened.  Walking through day to day activities became harder and harder, being around people who are my new family was difficult.  I was in a place of being broken and crying out to God asking Him to fix this pain; and then I realized I wasn't really trusting that God would or could actually fix this brokenness.  I'm not trusting.  I'm failing to remember that God is holding all things in the palm of his hands.  He knows the past, present, and future.  And.  He takes care of all things.  He will take care of me.  My God knows what I'm going through, He knows why I'm experiencing it, and He knows what will happen in the end.  In fact, God has orchestrated all of this for my benefit regardless of  how it hurts.  I'm reminded of how precious I am to Him:

Are not two sparrows sold for a penny?  And not one of them will fall to the ground apart from your Father.  But even the hairs of your head are all numbered.  Fear not, therefore; you are of more value than many sparrows. 
                       Matthew 10:29-31

Along with that scripture, amongst quite a few other passages, God reminded me of His sovereignty and preeminence yesterday in a primary school the team was at.  I was smacked in the face, almost in tears.  Our team had finished performing a skit of a Bible story (Jesus calming the sea) and were about to sing a song with the kids.  I'm going to be honest, the children's song for the day at first glance looked ridiculous and extremely silly.  I have no idea what the song is called, but these are parts of the lyrics:

(chorus)  Dance, dance, wherever you may be
               I am the Lord of the dance, said He
               And I lead you all, wherever you may be
               And I lead you all in the dance, said He.
               I danced on the Sabbath and I cured the lame
               The holy people said it was a shame
               They ripped, they stripped, they hung me high
               Left me there on the cross to die.

               Dance, dance, wherever you may be
               I am the Lord of the dance, said He
               And I lead you all, wherever you may be
               And I lead you all in the dance, said He.

               I danced on a Friday when the world turned black
               It's hard to dance with the devil on your back
               They buried my body, they thought I was gone
               But I am the dance, and the dance goes on.

               Dance, dance, wherever you may be
               I am the Lord of the dance, said He
               And I lead you all, wherever you may be
               And I lead you all in the dance, said He.

               They cut me down and I leapt up high
               I am the life that will never, never die
               I'll live in you if you'll live in me
               I am the Lord of the dance, said He.

I was almost in complete tears at the end of the song.  God completely reminded me of the Gospel in the song and reminded me of everything I needed to hear. 

God is taking care of me.  He's pouring into me through scripture and through other people.  He's loving me.  

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