Saturday, June 9, 2012

Perfection in Weakness

The last few days have been very busy and draining (both physically and emotionally) days, but I've been blessed through them.  The last few days have looked like a Prayer Meeting Wednesday night; a School Assembly Thursday morning and visits to church members Thursday afternoon; and then Friday involved us helping out at a cafe, along with lots and lots of walking, celebrating a birthday, finally ending out day with time at a "Ceilidh."  It's exhausting just looking at all of that!

I want to specifically highlight Thursday and Friday.

Thursday we went and visited with a couple different people in the church.  Our team split into 2 groups, my group was of 3 of us and the other group was of 2.  Each group went and visited 2 sets of people.  That afternoon, my group went and visited an elderly couple and then a widow.  What an encouragement this time was.  It was such a blessing being welcomed into their homes, offered tea and biscuits, and being engaged in conversation.  I learned a lot about the people we visited and in turn, I know they learned quite a bit about us.  

Thursday was lovely.

Friday.  Open Door Cafe was in the morning for about 4 hours.  People in the community will come in and will buy some food that is made on the spot, along with tea or maybe some coffee, and then will sit and chat with others from the community.  Everyone knows about it, and loves to be there.  Our team, along with a good deal of our mentor's family went on Thursday to help out.  That translates too, about half the team sitting with people, chatting with them and getting know them.  The other half of the team will work in the kitchen.  Some served soup, others served plates of food coming straight from the kitchen, someone would help with dishes, a couple others helped by taking orders and money, and one of us helped directly in the kitchen making the food.  I helped in the kitchen this week.  I was making food alongside the lady who usually does all the food.  It was busy.  Friday was one of their busier days as a result of several other factors (people had come from all over to sell things, and the community knew about it, and in turn flocked to the cafe).  I was exhausted after that was over.  My feet were tired, my body was tired.  

In the midst of being exhausted and coming back to the flat and face-planting on the couch, my heart was happy.  Serving in that capacity (handling food for people) brings me quite a bit of joy.  If you ask me to explain that to you, I would probably fail, but for now, I'm going to give it a shot and see what comes of it.  I enjoy preparing/serving people food because of the bit of joy it brings people then brings me upon seeing that joy.  I enjoy working with my hands in that capacity.  I enjoy creating something delicious with my hands and watching someone partake and enjoy.  There is something about creating something and seeing it's goodness being put to good use (that makes me think of God right after finishing the Creation).  

We celebrated a birthday on the team Friday night as well.  Such fun!  Us four girls, went out for Indian food in celebration.  The birthday girl hadn't tried Indian before, and wanted to give it a shot!  She loved it!  Apparently, here in Scotland, Indian food is a big deal.  People LOVE curry.  You won't hear me complain.  I love curry.  

After curry, we loaded up and went to a Ceilidh (that is a Gaelic term, which you pronounce like you would the name "Kaylee" or however you might spell the name).  A Ceilidh is a dance.  At the particular one we went to, several children would sing, or play an instrument in between dances.  It was so interesting.  Children would sing in Gaelic or would play a harp, or some other instruments.  The children here who are musical are incredibly talented.  I am amazed at the number of instruments they can play and their level of skill.  Then would come the dancing.  At the hall we were in, there was a group of musicians who all played together (fiddles, pipes, guitars, accordions, bass).  One of the members of the group would stand and explain a dance and then people would get up and start dancing while they played.  It was so neat.  Yes, I did participate, but please don't ask me to explain...I will definitely forget it all once I come home. 

Submersion in culture.  It was beautiful.  I loved seeing the people's love for their heritage.  Not only that, but these beautiful people were so welcoming to us.  They accepted us in and wanted us to participate in what they did.  It was wonderful to be apart of and to see take place. 

This week has been exhausting and draining, but beautiful and incredibly encouraging.  As I've been exhausted, drained, and feeling ever so weak,  2 Corinthians 12:9-10 came up in my devotionals, and has been so encouraging to me:
"My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness."  Therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me.  For the sake of Christ, then, I am content with weaknesses, insults, hardships, persecutions, and calamities.  For when I am weak, then I am strong.  
In these times when I am weak and feeling inadequate, I'm constantly having to remind myself that even when I am in this place of exhaustion God can work wonders.  He can work through me no matter what, no matter what the situation is, and because of that I can rest in Him and know He is all powerful. 

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