Friday, June 29, 2012


Yesterday was the last day the team did an assembly at a Primary School.  School just got out today for their Summer (what they call "Holiday").  It's sad knowing we're not going back.  It has been a great time to come up with neat stories that kids will love and tie in something that is very applicable to their lives.  I know I'll miss those times.

The neat portion of yesterday was before our we did our little "skit" in front of the kids.  There was a man who came in and talked to the kids before us.  He was one of the Olympic torch runners for this year.  When the torch was taken through Scotland He was one of the people who was allowed to run it!  He brought the torch with him and allowed all the kids to look and touch it.  Then...he let the interns hold it!  I got to hold one of the Olympic torches. 

Once in a life-time opportunity?  Yep.  So cool!  I would have taken a picture with it, but didn't have a camera on me since we're not supposed to take pictures of the kids.  It was wonderful and I'm so thankful to have been able to experience it!

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