Monday, May 28, 2012


Tomorrow, I'm flying to Atlanta.  Then to Scotland.

Really, I'm going.  Wow.  God is so good as all of these plans have come together.  I'm in awe to have seen everything fit together so masterfully.  My God is so perfect in how he so puts everything together.  He has planned everything from the beginning.  He has seen it all from the beginning of time and ordered everything that is too follow.  His plan is perfect.  I can not even begin to think that I could have done it any better...because I wouldn't have been able to do it.

As much unknown as there is in the two months ahead of me, I know that I'll be okay.  I know there is protection and I know there is a plan.

I know there are difficult times ahead; not everything that will happen will be easy and there will be struggles.  As I'm looking ahead though, I know that there is no place for fear.  I do not walk alone in this journey.  I stand guarded by Christ.  I am protected.  What peace there is in that!


My week is looking just like this:

Tomorrow morning, early, I fly from Little Rock to Atlanta.

In Atlanta, MTW interns will be traveling to a site for pre-field training until June 1.  Pre-field training looks like a time of preparing interns for cross-cultural ministering.  We'll be worshipping together, getting to know one another, and participating in some team building exercises.

I'll be in Atlanta until June 1, at which point we will fly from Atlanta to Glasgow, Scotland.  Once there my team will be traveling by either bus or train to Lochalsh, Scotland to begin my internship.

*This will more than likely be my last blog post state-side.

Prayer Requests:
-Safety in our travels.
-That our luggage gets where it's supposed to go and not elsewhere.
-Continue to pray for money to come in for some of the interns.
-Pray that we wouldn't be exhausted as we travel. I am already tired as I'm packing and getting excited.
-Finally, that our hearts would be preparing for our serving these people. Pray for us to be ready and for God to use us.

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