Friday, May 4, 2012

Falling Into Place

Everything is coming together.  Pieces are falling into place.  Details are being worked out.

This adventure of mine is falling into place.

I'm going to be at my Pre-Field training in about 25 days.  I'll be in Scotland in 28 days.  Wow.  I really didn't think it would happen so seemed forever ago when this was even a possibility floating around and being considered.

Pre-Field Training is going to be so good.  Pre-Field Training is something put together by MTW for their summer interns.  Interns are able to come together before going onto their field for a time of getting to know one another; participate in some team building; and prepare spiritually, mentally, and emotionally for our time away.

I'm so encouraged knowing that I have this to go to before being thrown into a new situation.  MTW is setting me, and the other interns up for success.  We've been given all the tools to succeed.

God will do incredible things.  He's already preparing our hearts--praise be for that!


Prayer Requests for right now:

1.  Pray for the mentors of our team.  Pray for them as they work alongside us interns.

2.  Pray for my team, that my teammates would finish raising support and begin preparing for our time in Lochalsh.

3.  Pray for the people we will be serving; for their hearts.

4.  Pray for our team, and the words that we speak.  May God speak through us.

5.  Pray that God will be glorified.

6.  Finally, please be praying for me as I begin this whirl-wind of a month.  Graduation, Senior Trip, preparations, and good-byes.  Pray for  endurance.  Pray that I would wise with my time and that I would know when to rest and take time for myself.

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