Saturday, July 14, 2012

Live Life

I jumped off a small cliff.  It’s a little below 60 degrees here and I jumped into a freezing pool of water maybe 30 feet below me.  This was a once in a lifetime opportunity I didn’t want to miss out on. 

Kind of like my time here in Scotland.  I may never have the chance to do this again (I truly hope that I can come back here).  All of me is just screaming don’t take anything for granted and regret absolutely nothing.  I don’t want to look back on this time, or really my life in general, and think “why didn’t do that?” or “I should’ve done that better, or given it my all.” Etc. 

I want to live my life to the fullest.  I want to be all I can be in the remainder of my time here.  I want to regret nothing.  I want to love my teammates better.  I want to love my mentor family better.  I want to love the people here better.  I want to be bold with the words that I say, I want to proclaim the gospel and hold nothing back.  I don’t want to blow off the time here.  I want to take advantage of what time I have left here. 

It would kill me too look back and think, “Why didn’t I do x, y, or z?” or “Why did I do the selfish things I did?”  All of this has made me think more about my life.  I don’t want to hold anything back.  I want do all I can do, see all I can see, I want to take advantage of good thing God throws my way.  I want to really live.  God has given us so much freedom in our lives; freedom to jump off a cliff into freezing cold water. 

 We have the chance to jump into icy dark waters regularly.  I’m not advocating stupidity, but rather saying do something different.  Be exciting!  I don’t know about you, but the people who do “crazy” things are the people I have a tendency to adore.  I want to be like those people.  I want to live like life is just a breath, and see and do whatever I can—look at the amazing creation God made!  Who wouldn’t want to live life when you look at it all from that perspective?  God has blessed us so richly.  If you have the chance to do something incredible, do it.  Live life. 

I’m convinced of this more and more as I’m living and as I’m reading God’s Word.  We have much to be thankful for and much to do.

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