Saturday, March 31, 2012

The Beginning

Dear Friends and Family,

In the fall of 2011 as my Senior year of highschool was beginning, after having spent 2 weeks of July in New York City with Mission to the World (MTW), I began a search for an internship.  My service in New York City opened my eyes to see that God has truly given me a heart to serve for His Kingdom.  I came away with a hunger for a new, longer opportunity.  In November of 2011, God provided me with a beautiful opportunity.  I have been blessed with the chance to go to Scotland for the months of June and July on a mentored internship partnered with Mission to the World.

In my past service with MTW and in my own day to day activities, I have felt and continue to feel my heart’s desire and call to take the gospel and go into the world and proclaim it (Mark 16:15).  God has provided me this incredible opportunity and I am so excited at the prospect of serving in Scotland.  I will be contributing to my team as we participate in evangelism, which will include door-to-door outreach, working with youth, and outreach to seniors and others within the church community.

I ask that you prayerfully consider partnering with me on the road ahead.  MTW is estimating that my ministry expenses will be about $4,500 to train, travel to Scotland, serve, and return home.  While, I know I am called to serve this summer, I know that I have not been called to serve alone. I need both prayer and financial support from my Church family and friends to go and serve the people in Scotland. As I spend these two months in Scotland, I know God will challenge me, and I know there will be difficult times.  I need your prayers, not only for me, but also for my team and for the people we are going to serve.  As I go through this process, my plan is to send out updates on both my support raising, and eventually my time overseas.  To be a part of my support team, please fill out the attached pledge card and return it to the address on the card.  Thank you in advance for your time, your prayers, and your support.

“…praying at all times in the Spirit, with all prayer and supplication.  To that end keep alert with all perseverance, making supplication for all the saints, and also for me in opening my mouth boldly to proclaim the mystery of the gospel, for which I am an ambassador…”
  Ephesians 6: 18-20a

        Mercy and Peace,
        Brianna Podgorski

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