Wednesday, September 12, 2012

For all who might be curious to hear about my adventure in Scotland, this Sunday night at 6 P.M. at Covenant Presbyterian Church in LR I'll be sharing.

This will be a time to tell everyone about certain aspects of my church, share my heart, and Lord willing allow you all to see pictures from my trip.

Come if you feel led!

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Today has been a day filled with a little bit of hurt.  The kind of hurt that sits in every corner of your heart, of your day even, and doesn't go away.  I'll be honest, this hurt for me pops up at random times throughout the year, for whatever reason.  But today was different, almost the climax of pain, or rather the concentration of that pain.

Two years ago, today, the world lost a woman who had an enormous impact on me, and on so many people all throughout Arkansas.  Indirectly, she has made an even bigger impact on the world through various people.

She had an incredible impact on my heart and my life.  I can honestly say Miss Mary changed me for the better.  Who I am today is largely dependent on her and her two daughters.

Today, I've sought to celebrate who she was and remember the many many things she taught me (they were vast).  Miss Mary taught me to love through her example.  She has been, by far, one of the most loving women I have ever had the privilege to know.  She taught me to love Jesus even more.  Through her teaching me about Jesus she showed me the importance and great responsibility we as Christians have to love the world.

Learning to love the world, was all her doing.  I am so incredibly thankful for her.  My heart wouldn't desire half of what it does now if it wasn't for her.  My heart wouldn't ache quite so much for the broken, hurting, and lost of the world if I hadn't first seen the beautiful model of loving Jesus and what that really looks like as I did with her.

I've never been quite so encouraged to follow my heart and dream.  This beautiful, sweet woman gave my dreams a kick-start.  She made me realize that everything I wanted to do, I could if God gave those dreams flight.

I dearly miss Miss Mary.  My heart aches at the loss, and I look forward to glory when parting is no more and reunion is sweet.